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Excellent piece on STUPIDITY (esp contagious among politicians across the West nowadays).

NB #5: "A stupid person is the most dangerous type of person."


I was waiting for Dietrich Bonhoeffer's* famous quote:

"Stupid people are more dangerous than evil ones."

This is because while we can protest against or fight evil people, against stupid ones we are defenseless — reasons fall on deaf ears.


The chaos in the UK is orchestrated by intent.

It paves the way for

- Control / total Surveillance

- Digital ID / CBDC (can switch our money off / on at whim)

which would never be acceptable without the chaos. Ever more abuse of POWER. Authoritarianism. Military police state? Rules for Thee and not for me..

What we would need is transparency/oversight/surveillance of our oversized+over-reaching Gov! Transparency on budgets, transparency on incentive structures.

Yet, stupid Order-Followers everywhere from council to national level. Unable to question authority, no moral compass.

May check David Icke - all his predictions turned out to be true.


*) Bonhoeffer died due to his involvement in a plot against Adolf Hitler at dawn on 9 April 1945 at Flossenbürg concentration camp just two weeks before soldiers from the United States liberated the camp.


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