Autogynephilia: what a strange-looking word. The first time I came across it I did not know how to pronounce it. Before I had ever heard it stated out loud, I only knew it by its acronym, AGP. To me, it was associated with men wearing dresses and masturbating in women's changing rooms or toilets whilst filming their fun for an online audience. Very classy. You can find many of these videos online. How did I come across these videos (pun intended), I hear you ask? Well, that’s a story for another day!
Autogynephilia is derived from the Greek words meaning love of oneself as a woman. It is a term used to describe a male’s propensity to be sexually aroused by the idea of being female. It appears to be a phenomenon that only affects men.
Ray Blanchard, a Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto and a sexologist (yes, that’s a real job!) conducted research on transsexualism in the 1980s and 1990s, and categorised trans-women into two groups:
- Homosexual transsexuals, who are exclusively attracted to men, seek sex reassignment surgery, and exhibit feminine behaviour and appearance.
- Autogynephilic transsexuals, who are sexually aroused by the idea of having a female body.
However, there are critics of this categorisation, including other sexologists and psychologists. The World Professional Association For Transgender Health also finds fault with this theory, stating that it is unproven. With such a complex and nuanced topic, it should come as no surprise that experts do not agree, especially when it comes to the intricacies of the human mind.
“No one really knows why humans do what they do.” — David K. Reynolds
Blanchard formulated his theory by conducting interviews with trans women, during which he explored the presence of autogynephilia by asking about erotic arousal associated with fantasies of having female breasts or being admired as a woman by others. From this work, he proposed four types of autogynephilic sexual fantasy:
- Transvestic autogynephilia: arousal from the act or fantasy of wearing typically feminine clothing.
- Behavioural autogynephilia: arousal from the act or fantasy of engaging in behaviour considered feminine.
- Physiologic autogynephilia: arousal from fantasies involving female-specific bodily functions.
- Anatomic autogynephilia: arousal from the fantasy of possessing a normative female body or specific female body parts.
Do we have any idea of what causes AGP? Blanchard's theory is called Erotic Target Location Error. He thinks that sexual interest may be internalised, instead of being directed outwards—the attraction to women may be redirected towards the self, instead of others. This form of erotic target location error has also been observed in individuals attracted to children, amputees, and animals.
Before delving further, it's important to note that Gender Dysphoria is distinct from AGP. Gender Dysphoria refers to the distress a person feels due to an internal incongruence between their perceived gender identity and their sex. This is why some people use the phrase “born into the wrong body.” It is a silly phrase but the point is made. People with gender dysphoria often identify as transgender, but not all transgender individuals experience gender dysphoria, which is characterised by “clinically significant distress.” Dysphoria is about feeling out of place, not sexual arousal.
Why have I written this article? Was it to point and laugh at mentally ill people? No. Of course not. It was to gain a better understanding of the current discourse around the trans debate. I do not like not understanding, for this is where bigotry and injustice spring from.
We can all agree that when someone is suffering, we need to help if we can. But we also must acknowledge that in many instances we will not be able to end the suffering even if we try. Life is hard, and it is unfair.
If someone is experiencing gender dysphoria, a medically acknowledged psychiatric condition, and is struggling with gender confusion and self-disgust, then it is humane for us to seek ways to help them. It does not matter how strange the condition sounds, if it is ruining a life then the services of the NHS should be there for you. This does not necessarily mean gender reassignment surgery, as there is no evidence that it is always effective in alleviating the suffering. But quality mental health support should be given to help individuals overcome, or simply learn to live with their dysphoria.
I feel my position is sensible, caring, and beneficial to the individual, and I would be surprised if anyone were to disagree.
Now, let’s consider AGP. It is not connected to the self-disgust one may feel about their own body and the internal conflict it generates. Rather, it is a sexual fantasy and arousal that some men have about imagining themselves with a female body. It is not the same issue as gender dysphoria and, unsurprisingly, does not generate the same level of compassion in me.
It is men with AGP who may enter women’s-only changing rooms and nonchalantly flaunt their genitals. It is middle-aged men with AGP who suddenly start wearing mini skirts, red lipstick, and high heels. It is men with AGP who post videos of themselves online with breast implants and a rock-hard penis.
As you can now see, the issue of trans acceptance is not straightforward, as there is no universally agreed-upon definition of what it means to be transgender. Currently, trans means anyone who says they are trans, including non-binary, 2 spirit and gender non-conforming.
Let me clear this up today. Trans means someone with a medical mental disorder that requires mental health support, which should be provided by the NHS. I pay my taxes and I want people in pain to be treated by the NHS.
Everyone else who claims they are trans are either sexual deviants, followers of fashion, brainwashed, attention seekers, very lonely, or damaged. I have nothing against these people, I wish them well. But conflating their wish to be different is actively damaging a small number of individuals who have a recognised mental health condition and need support.
I am not anti-trans. I am just anti-bullshit.
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